I Had Permission: Part 2
First off, we want to thank everyone for the positive feedback on our first article/video.
With that being said we don’t want this to happen to you or anyone else. The purpose of today’s video/article is to show you more proof that I had permission and to educate you so you don’t have to go through the same experience I’m dealing with.
Let’s cut back to Idaho Fish and Game’s press release on asking landowners for permission to hunt.
It says to have a face-to-face meeting with the landowner. Here's what was said in a conversation between me and the landowner two days before the opener of the hunt.
The above conversation comes from a video that Erik's 3-year old daughter shot off Erik's iPhone from inside the truck as Erik spoke to the landowner. You can view the actual video (I Had Permission: Part 2) on the Muley Freak Instagram channel.
The landowner says I’m still good for permission and I mention how I brought him a gift.
Idaho Fish and Game recommends you thank the landowner and give them a gift.
Here’s a photo of the thank you note and gift card to the Prairie Schooner, it says:
Now lets cover the bullet highlighted point that says, “Other methods of permission are still legal, but written is the best.”
Here’s a clip of me asking for written permission from the landowner.
The above conversation comes from a video that Erik's 3-year old daughter shot from inside the truck as Erik spoke to the landowner. You can view the actual video (I Had Permission: Part 2) on the Muley Freak Instagram channel.
This not only affects my hunting rights but it also affects your hunting privileges as well.
You can do everything Fish and Game recommends and citations can still be written against you without you ever being able to tell your side of the story.
Be sure to protect yourself and take every precaution.
We’re going to continue to upload videos, so stay tuned for more to come.
- Erik Van Woerkom
Click here and listen to how all wildlife charges were dropped.